Grace Statton

Grace developed her theatre and acting skills over the last 16 years in local, fringe and LGBTQI+ theatre. Recent acting credits include Gary/Irene in Beckah Turbett’s ‘Gary’, Pauline, Jacqueline & Angel in Lizzie Milton’s ‘Routine’, Laura in Jamie Christian’s ‘Saturday Afternoon Down the White Cube’ and Bernadette in Tabby Lamb’s ‘The Village Hall’. Grace writes short plays that have been performed on stage and online, (‘Inconvenienced’, ‘What Goes Around’, ‘Face2FaceTime’, ‘Beyond Realms’ and ‘Blue Monday’), and has performed her own short stories and monologues at various venues and on radio. Behind the scenes Grace is a director, (‘Tribes’ by Nina Raine) and has been involved in various aspects of theatre production, including stage management, tech design and operation for many productions.